Eric Jackson from Sportico reports that the USFL Players voted to unionize with the United Steelworkers. The vote took place over the weekend in conjunction with The United Football Players Association.
“The UFPA and USW partnered in February to advocate for players on various financial and healthcare issues while pushing for greater transparency on compensation plans and travel accommodations.”
The next step is for the results to be officially certified by the National Relations Labor Board. Then they can start talking about a labor contract with the USFL.
“The union seeks to increase player compensation and expand benefits so that they’re more closely aligned with XFL 3.0, which is expected to pay its players slightly more than the USFL’s $45,000 active roster salary. The difference in compensation packages potentially impacts the market as the leagues compete for top talent.”
This will impact the XFL as well. Players part of the UFPA are trying out for a spot in the XFL beginning this month, with a draft expected in October.
“While the focus currently is on the USFL, UFPA also wants to provide protection for XFL players, who are members of the nonprofit organization but aren’t represented through a union.”
It will be interesting to see how this affects season two of the USFL. We expect talks to get into gear after the USFL season completes on July 3rd after the Championship game in Canton, Ohio.
Stay with USFL News Hub to the road to the playoffs.